Ready to lose your double chin? Saddlebags? Love handles and tummy rolls? Do you long for a trim, toned, sexy body? Now that summer’s here, would you like to look better in a bathing suit?
If you’ve answered yes to any or all of these questions, you're a great candidate for CoolSculpting, a non-invasive body sculpting procedure that removes stubborn layers of fat by freezing them and eliminating them from your body for good—without surgery, scarring or downtime.
Freeze away your fat with CoolSculpting
Unlike fat-reducing treatments which destroy unwanted fat cells with heat, CoolSculpting works by freezing them. Once they’re frozen, these cells die and then get flushed from the body as waste, leaving you trimmer and beautifully sculpted. CoolSculpting also has fewer side effects than other methods (which can cause bruising and soreness) and delivers more effective results.
As well as CoolSculpting, I also offer a wide range of body sculpting procedures to help you achieve a more shapely body, which you can learn about here. To learn more about CoolSculpting, watch my short 2-minute video by clicking on the button below.