Would you love to have a fit, sleek toned body but with everything going on in the world and in your life, you just don’t have time in your schedule to spend hours, weeks, years at the gym? And you don’t want to have plastic surgery? Now there’s a dramatically different way to burn fat and increase muscle mass without strenuous workouts, called EmSculpt. This is just one of the many ways I can help you achieve a more beautiful body. To learn more, click here.
It’s True! EmSculpt® Builds Muscle And Burns Fat Without Exercise Or Surgery
Topics: Body Procedures, body contouring, EmSculpt
Who Says You Can't Have a Killer Body Again? With A Tummy Tuck You Can!
For a lot of women, maybe you too, after having children or experiencing extreme weight loss, their stomach muscles become soft, flabby and distended. In spite of eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly, they still can’t regain the tight, trim midsection they used to have, and this bothers them. For other women, after they’ve had their children they don’t just want their “old” body back, they want something better. For both types of women, the solution I often suggest that is effective and has long-lasting results is a tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty.
Topics: Tummy tuck, Body Procedures, body contouring
Want To Slim Down But Don't Have A Lot of Time? Now There's EmSculpt®
Is a toned, trim, muscular body important to you but you don’t have endless hours to spend at the gym, and you don’t want surgery? Good news: now there’s a dramatically different way to burn fat and increase muscle mass without strenuous workouts or plastic surgery called EmSculpt. This is just one of the many ways I can help you achieve a more beautiful body. To learn more, click here.
Topics: Body Procedures, body contouring, EmSculpt
Combine Brazilian Butt Lift With Liposuction To Get The Beautiful Body You’ve Always Wanted!
Year after year, some of my most satisfied patients who decided to have body-enhancing plastic surgery are the ones who chose to combine a Brazilian butt lift with liposuction. Why? Because when you have both procedures at the same time, you get a double benefit: butt enhancement and body reshaping. The results can be very dramatic!
As well as the Brazilian butt lift (BBL) and liposuction, I offer a wide range of other body sculpting procedures that can help you achieve a trimmer, more shapely body. To learn more, click here.
Topics: Body Procedures, Butt augmentation, Brazilian Butt Lift, body contouring
Ready To Do Something For Yourself? Make This The Year You Get A Mommy Makeover
Many of the patients in my practice are mothers, and of course, they’re all different: different personalities, different ages, different body types. However, one theme that seems to be constant for all of them is the way they take care of everyone in their lives before themselves. Whether it’s a spouse or partner, children, parents, co-workers or even pets, they often put themselves last. It’s almost as if they feel guilty doing something for themselves.
I challenge you to think differently! After all the hardships of the past two years, consider doing something that will make you feel really good about yourself. If you’ve been thinking about getting a Mommy Makeover but keep putting it off, wondering if it’s the right time, wondering if you deserve it, I encourage you to take that step and say yes.
Topics: Body Procedures, mommy makeover, body contouring
Lose More Fat In Half The Time With CoolSculpting ELITE
How would you like to lose more stubborn fat (25% rather than 20%) in HALF the time without surgery, scarring or downtime? Now you can, with the new highly effective fat-freezing treatment called CoolSculpting® ELITE. It’s similar to CoolSculpting, the original fat-freezing method, but better.
Topics: Coolsculpting, Body Procedures, fat reduction
10 Wonderful, Life-Changing Benefits Of A Brazilian Butt Lift
Do you wish your butt was bigger, higher, firmer? Have you tried working out and even doing specific exercises but are not seeing the results you want? A Brazilian butt lift (BBL), which uses your own fat and includes both butt augmentation and butt reshaping, is an excellent way to achieve a fuller, firmer, more shapely derrière. It also can give you a better balance between the shape, size and contour of your buttocks in proportion to the rest of your body.
Topics: Body Procedures, Butt augmentation, Brazilian Butt Lift, body contouring
Which Areas Of The Body Respond Best To CoolSculpting ELITE?
Are you ready to lose your double chin? Have you been carrying around your saddle bags long enough? Would you like a trim, toned tummy without the love handles? If your answer is yes to any or all of these, you're a great candidate for CoolSculpting ELITE, a non-invasive body shaping procedure that dramatically reduces stubborn layers of fat by freezing and then eliminating them from your body for good—without needles, surgery, scarring or downtime. In addition to CoolSculpting ELITE, I also offer a wide range of other body enhancing procedures to help you achieve a more shapely body, which you can learn about here.
Topics: Coolsculpting, Body Procedures, fat reduction
Thinking About Getting A Brazilian Butt Lift? Do It For You, Now!
Do you find yourself taking care of everyone else in your life before you? Do you feel guilty when you do do something for yourself? Would you like to change that?
After a very challenging year and a half, and as we head into the holidays, I urge you to give some thought to what you can do for yourself that will bring you happiness and pleasure. If you’ve been thinking about getting a Brazilian butt lift but keep putting it off, wondering if it’s the right time, questioning if it’s worth it, I challenge you to say yes. After doing so much for everyone else in your life, you deserve to do something for you! Not only can a Brazilian butt lift greatly improve the shape and tone of your buttocks, it can also boost the way you feel about yourself, giving you more personal satisfaction and self-confidence.
Topics: Body Procedures, Butt augmentation, Brazilian Butt Lift, body contouring
Are You A Good Candidate For CoolSculpting ELITE?
Are you like many of my patients, male and female, who have tried really hard to lose extra inches in certain areas of your body such as your thighs, chin, arms and love handles, but no matter how much you work out and eat sensibly, it just doesn’t happen? In the past, I often recommended CoolSculpting, a highly effective fat-reducing treatment. But now, there’s an even better way to achieve the results you’re looking for, without surgery, called CoolSculpting® ELITE.
Topics: Coolsculpting, Body Procedures, fat reduction