Westchester & NYC Plastic Surgeon

Harrison & Valhalla: (914) 761-7070

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Are You A Good Candidate For A Mommy Makeover?

Posted by Dr. Samuel J. Beran on Apr 25, 2018 6:00:00 AM

Having children is one of the greatest joys of a woman’s life, but pregnancy and breastfeeding do take a toll on her body, often resulting in drooping and smaller-than-before breasts, stubborn fat deposits, a flabby and protruding stomach, loose skin, sagging buttocks and unwanted thigh “saddlebags.” 

A Mommy Makeover can help correct these problems with a combination of cosmetic surgical procedures including:

Whether you decide to have one body contouring  procedures or a combination at the same time, a Mommy Makeover helps women of all ages and body types regain their pre-pregnancy shape, or better yet, achieve a slimmer, tighter, more toned body than they had before. To learn more about the range of body sculpting  procedures I offer, click here.

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Topics: Body Procedures, mommy makeover, body contouring

Loose Skin From Weight Loss? Consider a Tummy Tuck.

Posted by Dr. Samuel J. Beran on Apr 11, 2018 7:00:00 AM

Losing a significant amount of weight is a great accomplishment, giving you a new body, better health, more energy, increased self-image and a renewed outlook on life. However, what many people don’t realize is that there’s also a downside to extreme weight loss.

In many cases, people who lose 50 pounds or more are left with loose, sagging skin, which can be very frustrating. After working hard to get a “new body,” it’s discouraging for both men and women to have folds of skin hanging on them, much like their old large-size clothes did. Also, excess skin is a reminder for many of their old life and the emotional issues they were struggling with when they were at a higher weight.

In addition, as well as being unsightly and embarrassing, saggy skin has negative health consequences. It can cause rashes, chafing, infections and back pain. It can also keep people from being as active as they want to be, which not only affects their health but might make it easier for the weight to come back.

My recommendation in these instances? A tummy tuck.

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Topics: Tummy tuck, Body Procedures, body contouring

3 Ways To Eliminate Fat Cells: A Short Video

Posted by Dr. Samuel J. Beran on Dec 20, 2017 8:00:00 AM

Something I’ve found to be very helpful for my patients is when I make a short video about a plastic surgery procedure. I describe what happens during the surgery, I talk about the risks as well as the benefits, and I explain what kind of results you should expect (and not expect). To learn more about the range of body sculpting procedures I offer, click here.

Since the most commonly performed procedure in plastic surgery these days is probably liposuction, I’ve made a video about it, as well as 2 other procedures (CoolSculpting and Kybella) that are also very effective at eliminating fat cells from your body. You can read what I talk about (here in this blog) or you can watch my short 2-minute video by clicking on the button below.   

3 Ways To Eliminate Fat Cells

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Topics: Coolsculpting, Liposuction, Body Procedures

Learn About Liposuction In Dr. Beran’s Short Video

Posted by Dr. Samuel J. Beran on Nov 8, 2017 8:00:00 AM

A lot of my patients tell me they really learn a lot from the free consultations I offer when I talk to them about a procedure they’re considering, especially one that involves surgery. Apparently, I explain things in a way they can understand, I tell them about the risks as well as the benefits, and I really try to understand what results they’re looking for. This way, they’re going to be happier and more satisfied with their “new” shape, especially after liposuction, one of the most popular procedures I perform. To learn more about the range of body contouring procedures I offer, click here.

Since they seem to enjoy my descriptions of what happens in the procedure and what to expect afterward, I thought I’d make a video discussing liposuction so other people can benefit, too. You can read what I talk about (here in this blog) or you can watch my short 2-minute video by clicking on the button below.

Liposuction Video

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Topics: Liposuction, Body Procedures, body contouring

All You Need To Know About Brazilian Butt Lifts In Short Video

Posted by Dr. Samuel J. Beran on Nov 1, 2017 8:00:00 AM

I frequently hear from my patients that they really like the way I explain plastic surgery procedures because I talk one-on-one with them, I describe what will happen in terms they can understand, and I let them know about the risks as well as the benefits of any surgery.  Since they seem to learn a lot from my explanations, I thought I’d make a video discussing the Brazilian butt lift so others can benefit, too. You can read what I talk about (here in this blog) or you can watch my short 2-minute video by clicking on the button below.

 Brazilian Butt Lift Video

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Topics: Body Procedures, Brazilian Butt Lift, body contouring

What's A Lower Body Lift And Should I Get One?

Posted by Dr. Samuel J. Beran on Oct 18, 2017 8:00:00 AM

As the years go by, have your stomach, buttocks, thighs and hips started to sag? Would you like to look trimmer, firmer...and younger? If so, a lower body lift is an excellent way to remove excess skin and fat below the waistline and achieve a beautiful hourglass silhouette.

Turn back time with a lower body lift

Dramatic weight loss, weight fluctuations and/or natural aging frequently result in sagging skin in the areas below the waistline. Lower body lift surgery, sometimes done in conjunction with liposuction, is a very effective way to reduce excess fat and loose skin while also tightening and sculpting these areas, particularly the buttocks, back of the thighs, outer thighs, inner thighs, hips and abdomen.  It can also help minimize the appearance of cellulite. A lower body lift leaves only a thin scar that is discreetly located within the bikini area.

Alternatively, if you decide not to have a full lower body lift, a buttock lift or thigh lift can be performed to tighten sagging muscles or remove excess skin in these areas.

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Topics: Body Procedures

Ready To Love Your Body? With Body Contouring Surgery, You Can!

Posted by Dr. Samuel J. Beran on Sep 6, 2017 9:00:00 AM

Do you have sagging skin and stubborn excess fat you’d love to get rid of? Would you like to feel more confident in a bathing suit? Are you ready to look trimmer, firmer and younger? With body contouring surgery, now you can. There are many options available; click here to learn more.

Whether you want to remove loose skin and excess fat; have fuller, rounder buttocks; enlarge and lift your breasts; have a flatter, more toned midsection; get rid of saddle bags and tummy rolls; have a more contoured, hour glass-shaped waist and hips; or all of the above, this might be the perfect time for you to have one or more body sculpting procedures.

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Topics: Body Procedures, body contouring

How Much Does A Mommy Makeover Cost?

Posted by Dr. Samuel J. Beran on Jun 28, 2017 1:58:53 PM

After dedicating years of your life to caring for your children, isn’t it time you cared for yourself with a Mommy Makeover? Whether you decide to have one procedure or several, a Mommy Makeover helps moms of all ages and body types regain the body they had before pregnancy, or even get a better shape than they had before. For more information on a Mommy Makeover, download our free fact sheet!

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Topics: Liposuction, Body Procedures, mommy makeover

How Much Does Liposuction Cost?

Posted by Dr. Samuel J. Beran on May 17, 2017 11:00:00 AM

If you have tried dieting and exercise but still have stubborn, localized areas of fat that simply will not go away, liposuction could be the answer you’ve been looking for. Liposuction slims and reshapes specific areas of the body by dramatically reducing excess fat deposits and improving your body contours and proportion.

Since fat cells do not reproduce, once they are reduced through liposuction, they will not be replaced—great news for many of my patients. This may be why liposuction is one of today’s most popular cosmetic procedure, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic SurgeryFor more information on liposuction, download our free fact sheet!

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Topics: Liposuction, Body Procedures

Can I Get Pregnant After A Tummy Tuck?

Posted by Dr. Samuel J. Beran on Apr 26, 2017 11:00:00 AM

For many of my patients, a tummy tuck is a wonderful turning point in their lives, boosting their self-esteem and enabling them to have a positive body image, sometimes for the first time. Tummy tuck surgery, also known as abdominoplasty, reduces excess fat and skin and helps restore weakened or separated muscles. The result? A smoother, firmer, more attractive midsection.

However, it’s not unusual for a woman to want to get pregnant after having a tummy tuck, and often patients come to me asking of this is safe, or even possible. While it is perfectly safe to get pregnant after a tummy tuck without injuring yourself or the baby, the pregnancy will stretch the abdominal wall muscles and overlying skin, potentially reversing some of the improvements gained by the tummy tuck.

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Topics: Tummy tuck, Body Procedures, lower body lift


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"Dr. Beran is a board certified plastic surgeon, specializing in cosmetic surgery procedures such as breast augmentation. He is amazing and I definitely recommend him."
