Losing a significant amount of weight is a great accomplishment, giving you a new body, better health, more energy, increased self-image and a renewed outlook on life. However, what many people don’t realize is that there’s also a downside to extreme weight loss.
In many cases, people who lose 50 pounds or more are left with loose, sagging skin, which can be very frustrating. After working hard to get a “new body,” it’s discouraging for both men and women to have folds of skin hanging on them, much like their old large-size clothes did. Also, excess skin is a reminder for many of their old life and the emotional issues they were struggling with when they were at a higher weight.
In addition, as well as being unsightly and embarrassing, saggy skin has negative health consequences. It can cause rashes, chafing, infections and back pain. It can also keep people from being as active as they want to be, which not only affects their health but might make it easier for the weight to come back.
My recommendation in these instances? A tummy tuck.