Do you wish your breasts were bigger, fuller and firmer? Would you like to feel sexier in bathing suits and lingerie? Are your breasts two different sizes or shapes? If the answers to any or all of these questions is yes, this might be the right time to consider breast augmentation with breast implants, not only to enlarge the size of your breasts but also the way you feel about yourself as a woman.
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Considering Breast Implants? What You Need To Know
Topics: Breast Procedures, Breast Augmentation, breast implants
Say Goodbye To Saddlebags, Muffin Tops And Love Handles With Liposuction
If you’re like many of my patients, you probably spend a lot of time doing things for the people in your life: your kids, your spouse or partner, your co-workers, your parents, your friends. But do you ever take a step back and decide to do something just for you? Liposuction could be that turning point.
Topics: Liposuction, Body Procedures, body contouring
How To Know If Breast Reduction Surgery Might Be Right For You
In my plastic surgery practice, women frequently come to me wanting larger, fuller breasts. On the other hand, I also have many patients who would like their breasts to be smaller. Very large breasts, especially on small-framed women, can cause significant physical discomfort, neck pain, back pain, rashes, posture problems and even exercise interference. Overly large breasts can also make it hard to find properly fitting clothing and bathing suits, and for many women, can make them uncomfortably self-conscious.
Topics: Breast Procedures, breast reduction
Want To Turn Back Time? With A Facelift, You Can!
For some women, the effects of age, sun damage, smoking, stressful lives and just family genetics are noticeable on their face, making them feel old, tired, wrinkled, and less attractive. Many of my female patients come to me asking if there’s a way to reverse these unwanted physical changes, and my answer is yes! A facelift is a very effective way to lift and tighten facial skin, smooth out lines and wrinkles, remove jowls and a double chin, tighten the throat and neck, and re-contour the jawline.
The result? Not just an improved outward appearance but rejuvenated self-confidence and greater self-esteem. This is just one of the ways I can help you achieve a more beautiful face. To learn more, click here.
Topics: Face Procedures, Facelift
EmSculpt® Delivers In Minutes What Would Take Months (Or Years) At The Gym
For many of my patients, maybe you included, they would very much like to have a toned, muscular midsection, particularly their abs and butt, but they simply don’t have endless hours to spend at the gym and they don’t want surgery. Before, they often felt defeated, but now there’s a non-invasive, highly effective solution called EmSculpt that delivers amazing results.
This revolutionary body shaping treatment burns fat and increases muscle mass without strenuous workouts, plastic surgery or downtime. EmSculpt is just one of the many ways I can help you achieve a more beautiful body. To learn more, click here.
Topics: Body Procedures, body contouring, EmSculpt
Considering A Facelift? Here Are The Top 5 Reasons To Get One
Virtually no procedure (not even Botox®) can do as much to restore your youthful appearance and help you feel like the best “you” you can be as a facelift (or rhytidectomy). In just a few hours, a facelift can dramatically decrease the visible signs of aging caused by gravity, stress, smoking, genetics and sun exposure, and dramatically improve not only your appearance but also how you feel about yourself.
Topics: Face Procedures, Facelift
Want To Build Muscle And Burn Fat Without Surgery Or The Gym? With EmSculpt® You Can!
How would you like to dramatically improve the way you look in bikinis, crop tops and lingerie? Is a toned, trim, sculpted torso important to you but you don’t have endless hours to spend at the gym and you don’t want plastic surgery? Good news: now there’s a dramatically different way to burn fat and increase muscle mass without strenuous workouts or invasive surgery called EmSculpt.
EmSculpt is a revolutionary non-invasive, non-surgical treatment that tones and sculpts your body, especially your abdomen and buttocks, without requiring high-intensity exercise or exhausting workout routines. EmSculpt is currently FDA cleared to treat your abdomen, buttocks, arms, calves and thighs. This is just one of the many ways I can help you achieve a more beautiful body. To learn more, click here.
Topics: Body Procedures, body contouring, EmSculpt
What’s A Non-Surgical Facelift And Should I Get One?
As much as we hate to admit it, age creeps up on all of us. If you’re like many of my patients, you may have noticed some or all of the following changes in your facial appearance: the lines between your nose and mouth have deepened; the skin around your mouth, jowls and neck has sagged, giving your face a droopy look; you’ve developed a saggy second chin; the facial lines and wrinkles around and below your eyes have increased and deepened; your skin looks dull and drab; and you regularly look tired.
If you’d like to look fresher, brighter, smoother and younger, I recommend a facelift, either surgical or non-surgical. A facelift is just one of the many ways I can help you achieve a more beautiful face. To learn more, click here.
Topics: Face Procedures, Facelift
11 Incredible Things Botox® Can Do In Addition To Decreasing Lines And Wrinkles
What if you could erase years from your face, in minutes, without surgery? With Botox, you can! Yes, Botox noticeably decreases crow’s feet around your eyes, forehead wrinkles and vertical forehead creases between your eyes, but it has many other important benefits as well. To learn about the many other ways I can help you achieve a more beautiful face, click here.
Topics: Botox, Face Procedures
Tired Of Looking Tired? Botox® Can Fix That.
Your face says so much about you. Not only is it the most visible part of your body, to a large extent, it influences the way the world sees you and how you feel about yourself. If your face looks tired, you often feel tired. If it is showing the effects of age and stress, you often feel older than you want to. A great way to freshen up your face, diminish any wrinkles and lines, and help you feel younger and more positive is with Botox. To learn about the many other ways I can help you achieve a more beautiful face, click here.
Topics: Botox, Face Procedures