Abdominoplasty — or a tummy tuck, as it is commonly known — is a cosmetic surgery procedure that tightens the muscles and removes loose skin and fat from the abdomen so that a person’s midsection appears flat and toned.
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Topics: Body Procedures
5 Facts About Liposuction You Need To Know
It’s easy to get discouraged when you exercise and eat sensibly and yet still have stubborn fat pockets that won’t go away. Liposuction can help reduce even the most resistant fat deposits, giving you the trim, curvy, desirable body you’ve always dreamed about. For more information on liposuction, download our free fact sheet!
Topics: Body Procedures
The Facts About Female Hair Loss And How To Help Reverse It
It's an established fact that men are more likely to lose their hair than women, mostly due to male pattern baldness. But thinning hair and hair loss are also common in women. And as disheartening it may be for men to see their hair thin and fall out, it can be particularly devastating for women. But now there's something you can do about it: hair restoration surgery.
Topics: Face Procedures
5 Questions To Ask Before Getting A Nose Job
For most people, their nose is central to how they look and feel about themselves. Rhinoplasty (plastic surgery performed on the nose), or a “nose job,” not only changes the size and shape of your nose but can have an enormous impact on your self-confidence and approach to life. Before deciding to undergo this specialized surgery, however, here are 5 important questions you should ask your plastic surgeon who will be performing the procedure.
Topics: Face Procedures
Are Breast Implants Safe? Yes And Here’s Why
Like Goldilocks, some women think their breasts are too big. Others think they’re too small. And amazingly, a small minority of women think their breasts are just right. For women who want larger, fuller breasts, breast implants are a safe, highly successful way to get the breast size they’ve always wanted. For more information on breast augmentation, download our free fact sheet!
Topics: Breast Procedures