Westchester & NYC Plastic Surgeon

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5 Facts About Liposuction You Need To Know


It’s easy to get discouraged when you exercise and eat sensibly and yet still have stubborn fat pockets that won’t go away. Liposuction can help reduce even the most resistant fat deposits, giving you the trim, curvy, desirable body you’ve always dreamed about. For more information on liposuction, download our free fact sheet!

There are 2 types of liposuction: here's how they work

During liposuction surgery, body fat is dramatically decreased by inserting a small, hollow tube (a cannula) through one or more tiny incisions near the area to be suctioned. The cannula is connected through a tube to a vacuum pressure unit. Guided by a plastic surgeon, the suction device then vacuums away unwanted fat.

Another fat-dissolution technique is laser-assisted liposuction or SmartLipo. Using laser technology, SmartLipo uses a thin laser fiber to liquefy fat by producing a burst of energy as the laser enters the fatty tissue. Laser-assisted liposuction also stimulates collagen production in the skin, which may offer additional skin-tightening benefits.

If you’re considering liposuction, here are 5 facts you need to know

1. Liposuction is not a treatment for obesity
Though liposuction involves the extraction of fat, it is not actually meant for patients who are obese. The best candidates for this procedure are those who are already within 30% of their ideal body weight. Furthermore, people should resort to liposuction only after they have tried other means of losing weight, particularly diet and exercise.

2. Liposuction can lead to improved health

Many plastic surgeons, myself included, have seen their patients’ health improve dramatically after undergoing liposuction. Because they have a newfound confidence and self-esteem, liposuction patients tend to work even harder to maintain their “new” bodies and even improve upon the results.

3. Liposuction can be safe, no matter your age

Though it is typically not recommended for children to get liposuction, the youngest person to have the procedure has been a 12-year-old girl who lost a significant amount of weight. Her family and doctors grappled with the idea of liposuction before deciding to go ahead with it, and ultimately were very happy with their decision. The oldest person reported to have liposuction was 87, indicating that it’s never too late to take steps to get the beautiful body you’ve always wanted.

4. Liposuction technologies are advancing every day

Liposuction continues to be at the forefront of significant advancements in medical technology. Due to recent innovations, liposuction is now cheaper and less invasive than in the past. This means recovery time is faster and results are more natural-looking.

5. The most popular areas of the body for liposuction according to gender 

The target areas for liposuction that most women choose to focus on are: the abdomen, breasts, hips, outer thighs, back of the thighs, inner thighs, arms, buttocks, cheeks and neck. Men, on the other hand, tend to want to improve the appearance of their “love handles,” breasts, chin, neck area and abdomen.  

Liposuction: big decision, amazing results

Deciding to have liposuction is an important decision and should not be taken lightly. If you are considering this procedure, please contact me for a free consultation where you will hear about all your options. I have performed hundreds of liposuction surgeries with outstanding results and would personally like to help you achieve the beautiful body you’ve been wanting.

Liposuction can be performed along with other plastic surgery procedures

Liposuction can successfully be combined with other cosmetic surgery procedures such as a faceliftbreast augmentation, tummy tuck or lower body lift. If you're interested in reducing fat throughout your entire body, this will likely take multiple procedures.

Are you considering liposuction?

If you are thinking about having liposuction, please contact me for a free consultation where you will hear about all your options and have the opportunity to ask any questions. I have performed hundreds of liposuction procedures and am highly experienced in this specialized type of plastic surgery. Deciding to have liposuction is an important decision and I am dedicated to helping you achieve the beautiful body you’ve always wanted.

More information on body sculpting procedures

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Board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS), a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS), and a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS)Samuel J. Beran, MD is a plastic surgeon with offices in Manhattan, Harrison and Mount Kisco, NY. With years of experience and a thorough command of the most advanced techniques and technologies, he consistently provides his patients with the highest level of plastic, cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the breast, face, skin and body.

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