I keep saying that plastic surgery isn’t just for women anymore. Over the years, more men of all ages have started turning to cosmetic procedures to improve their looks, boost confidence, or address signs of aging. Let’s take a closer look at some of the top trends in plastic surgery for men and why these procedures are becoming so popular.
Trends in Plastic Surgery for Men: What You Need to Know
Topics: Coolsculpting, Plastic Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Botox, Face Procedures, Body Procedures, nose job, eyelid surgery, hair restoration
A Nose Job is Good for Your Health and Wellbeing and for Being Cool
We know that improving the look of your nose can build your self-confidence. At Cosmetic Surgery Associates of New York, Dr. Samuel Beran, an extraordinary plastic surgeon, consults with women, and even men to find ways to improve their facial appearance. Let us tell you a story about one of our patients and see how it might be one that you would like to talk about for your own journey. This is about a young woman who had a difficult time with her self-esteem. The nose job, or Rhinoplasty as it is called, worked to build her self-confidence, and could help yours as well.
Discover Emily's Journey: How Rhinoplasty Transformed Her Life.
Topics: Plastic Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Face procedure, Facelift, nose job
Have you always wished your nose was different? Is it too big, too small, crooked, bumpy, hooked, or just doesn’t fit your face? If you’re ready to change it, nose reshaping surgery (also known as rhinoplasty or a nose job) is a highly effective way to get the beautiful nose you’ve always wanted. This procedure is just one of the many ways I can help you achieve a more beautiful face. To learn more, click here.
Topics: Rhinoplasty, Face Procedures, nose job
Are You A Good Candidate For Nose Reshaping Surgery?
Every time you look in the mirror, do you see a nose you’re unhappy with? Is it too big, too small, crooked, bumpy, hooked, or just doesn’t fit your face? If you’re ready to change it, nose reshaping surgery (also known as rhinoplasty or a nose job) is a highly successful way to get the nose you’ve always wanted. This procedure is just one of the many ways I can help you achieve a more beautiful face. To learn more, click here.
Find out if you’re a good candidate for nose reshaping surgery
Topics: Rhinoplasty, Face Procedures, nose job
Ready To Have The Nose You’ve Always Wanted?
Yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder but for many women, beauty starts with a pretty nose. And if your nose is too big, too small, crooked, bumpy, hooked, or just doesn’t fit your face, it’s often hard to feel beautiful or have high self-esteem.
For patients who come to me saying they are unhappy with their nose, I offer a proven, effective, long-lasting solution: rhinoplasty (commonly called a nose job).
Am I a good candidate for nose reshaping surgery?
If you’re trying to decide whether to have a nose job, here are some questions I ask my patients to make sure they would be good candidates for this procedure:
Topics: Rhinoplasty, Face Procedures, nose job
Considering a Nose Job? Here’s What You Need To Know.
Is your nose too large for your face? Is it crooked? Does it have a bump in the middle, or a hook at the end? Or have you just never liked it?
If any of these ring true for you, there is a proven, highly effective way to get the beautiful, shapely nose you’ve always wanted: rhinoplasty (plastic surgery performed on the nose).
Nose reshaping surgery (commonly called a nose job) is usually performed to alter the size and shape of the bridge and tip of the nose. Some of my patients also want to narrow the base of their nose or reduce the size of their nostrils. Whatever type of nose you might be seeking, my goal is to give you a natural-looking, flattering nose that fits your face and your personality, helping you feel beautiful and self-confident.
Topics: Rhinoplasty, Face Procedures, nose job