Westchester & NYC Plastic Surgeon

Harrison & Valhalla: (914) 761-7070

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Why A Brazilian Butt Lift Is Safe

Posted by Dr. Samuel J. Beran on Jul 1, 2020 6:00:00 AM

If you’ve been thinking about getting a Brazilian butt lift but weren’t sure if the procedure was safe, I want you to know that as a plastic surgeon who has been performing this type of body contouring surgery for over 20 years, I can confidently say that I have encountered very few complications in my patients as a result.

In fact, since it was first introduced in 1996, the Brazilian butt lift (also called butt augmentation) is now one of the most requested plastic surgery procedures I perform in my practice. As well as the Brazilian butt lift, I also offer a wide range of other body sculpting procedures to help you achieve a more shapely body. To learn more, click here.

This short video explains the details

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Topics: Body Procedures, Butt augmentation, Brazilian Butt Lift, body contouring

For A Look That’s Uniquely You, Choose Natrelle®

Posted by Dr. Samuel J. Beran on Jun 17, 2020 6:00:00 AM

Aren’t you glad that you’re you? And that nobody else is exactly like you? That’s the thinking behind Natrelle gummy gel breast implants, the breast augmentation choice that gives you the most options for the look that’s right for you. 

All breast implants are not the same, from their size to what they’re filled with

The size of a breast implant is determined by several factors, says the Natrelle website. These include:

  • The height and width of the implant
  • Your side profile, or the distance the implant projects from your body
  • The volume or number of cc’s of silicone or saline within the implant
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Topics: Breast Procedures, Breast Augmentation, breast implants

Get The Look That’s Right For You With Natrelle® Gummy Breast Implants

Posted by Dr. Samuel J. Beran on Jun 9, 2020 9:20:43 AM

Courtesy of Natrelle®

There’s only one you. Your face, body, lifestyle, goals in life…they’re all unique to you. With Natrelle gummy gel breast implants, your breast size and shape are unique to you, too for a look that’s yours alone.

What breast size and shape would you like to achieve?

With Natrelle breast implants, you can choose from four different degrees of breast fullness, from minimal to maximum, depending on your own individual goals.

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Topics: Breast Procedures, Breast Augmentation, breast implants

What Is A Tummy Tuck And Should I Get One?

Posted by Dr. Samuel J. Beran on Mar 18, 2020 6:00:00 AM

“I exercise and eat healthy. Why do I still have loose skin around my tummy?” This is a question I hear from many of my patients. They try really hard to work out and live a healthy lifestyle, but they still have stubborn areas of fat deposits and loose, flabby skin around their midsection.

For these patients, I often recommend a tummy tuck. In addition to tummy tucks, I also offer a wide range of other body sculpting procedures to help you achieve a more shapely body, which you can learn about here.

To learn more about tummy tuck surgery, watch this short video

To learn more about tummy tuck surgery, watch my short video by clicking on the image below.

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Topics: Tummy tuck, Body Procedures, body contouring

Top 3 Reasons Women Have Breast Lift Surgery

Posted by Dr. Samuel J. Beran on Mar 11, 2020 6:00:00 AM

One of the most satisfying aspects about being a plastic surgeon is being able to help patients feel better about themselves and their bodies. This is often achieved by body enhancing surgery, such as a Brazilian butt lift, Mommy Makeover, breast augmentation, tummy tuck or liposuction. Yet these days, the body shaping procedure that more and more of my patients are asking for is a breast lift. And they’re not alone. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, breast lifts have grown 70% since 2000, outpacing breast implants 2-to-1.

Like these patients, maybe this type of cosmetic surgery could benefit you too. Have your breasts begun to droop and sag? Do your nipples now point downward rather than straight ahead or upward? Do you long to once again have breasts that look youthful, uplifted and voluptuous? If so, a breast lift can be a very effective solution.

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Topics: Breast Procedures, Breast Augmentation, breast implants

Do You Have Textured Breast Implants? If So, Please Come See Me

Posted by Dr. Samuel J. Beran on Mar 4, 2020 6:00:00 AM

As you may have heard, textured breast implants made by Allergan have been linked to a rare type of cancer and have recently been recalled in the United States and worldwide. The recall concerns Allergan’s BIOCELL textured breast implants and tissue expanders. You can read the FDA announcement about the recall here in the US here.

For an explanation of the recall and what it might mean for you, watch this short video

To help patients better understand this issue, I’ve made a 2½-minute video explaining the details, which you can watch by clicking on the image below.

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Topics: Breast Procedures, Breast Augmentation, breast implants

What You Need to Know About Brazilian Butt Lifts

Posted by Dr. Samuel J. Beran on Mar 4, 2020 6:00:00 AM

I often hear from my patients how much they like the way I explain what will happen during a certain plastic surgery procedure and that I let them know about the risks as well as the benefits of the surgery, in terms that are easy to understand.

To share this kind of information with others and help patients make up their mind about having a procedure, I’ve made a video explaining the Brazilian butt lift.  In addition to the Brazilian butt lift, I also offer a wide range of other body sculpting procedures to help you achieve a more shapely body, which you can learn about here.

To learn more, watch this short video

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Topics: Body Procedures, Butt augmentation, Brazilian Butt Lift, body contouring

A New Year, A New Butt, A New You!

Posted by Dr. Samuel J. Beran on Feb 12, 2020 6:00:00 AM

As we say goodbye to the old year and look ahead to a new one, it’s sometimes a good time to reflect on what we’ve accomplished and what we still want to achieve. Many of my patients tell me that it was at the beginning of a new year that they made the decision to get a Brazilian butt lift (also called butt augmentation or BBL).

After spending so much of their lives doing things for others—partners, children, parents or others—they were ready to do something for themselves, and Brazilian butt lift surgery was what they really wanted. They say it not only changed their shape but changed the way they felt about themselves, giving them more satisfaction and self-confidence. Maybe you too feel this way and would benefit from this body enhancing procedure.

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Topics: Body Procedures, Butt augmentation, Brazilian Butt Lift, body contouring

You Lost The Weight. With A Tummy Tuck, You Can Also Lose The Excess Skin.

Posted by Dr. Samuel J. Beran on Feb 5, 2020 6:00:00 AM

You’ve lost weight – what an accomplishment! You have a new body, better health, more energy, increased self-confidence and a renewed outlook on life. All’s good, right? Well…not in all cases.

What many people don’t realize about losing a significant amount of weight (50 pounds or more) is that loose, sagging skin is often a result, along with their new shape. After working so hard to change their body and improve their health, these folds of hanging skin can be very discouraging for both men and women, like their old clothes that are now too big. For some, they can also act as a reminder of their old life and the emotional issues they were struggling with when they were at a higher weight.

As well as being unsightly and embarrassing, excess skin can cause rashes, chafing, infections and back pain. It can also keep people from being as active as they want to be, which can negate the health gains they made and make it easier for the weight to come back. All in all, it can be very frustrating.

There is a solution! A tummy tuck

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Topics: Tummy tuck, Body Procedures, body contouring

How To Tell If You Need A Breast Lift

Posted by Dr. Samuel J. Beran on Jan 29, 2020 6:00:00 AM

In the past, did you have breasts that were full, firm and round, but after the passage of time, have begun to droop and sag? Were they a lot higher than they are now? Do you wish you could get your younger, pre-children breasts back? With a breast lift, you can!

What is a breast lift and what will it do?

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Topics: Breast Procedures, Breast Augmentation, breast implants


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"Dr. Beran is a board certified plastic surgeon, specializing in cosmetic surgery procedures such as breast augmentation. He is amazing and I definitely recommend him."
