Blog | Dr. Samuel Beran

Thinking About Getting Breast Implants? What You Need To Know

Written by Dr. Samuel J. Beran | Nov 9, 2022 11:00:00 AM

Many of my patients ask me about breast augmentation but really don’t know much about this procedure. Before I perform any type of plastic surgery or cosmetic treatment, it’s important to me that the patient fully understands what is involved, the benefits, the risks, and what results to expect. For that reason I offer this blog as a source of information about breast augmentation and breast implants. In addition to breast augmentation, I offer a complete range of breast procedures which you can learn about here.

When asked if breast implants are safe, my answer is yes

With over 20 years’ experience performing breast implant surgery in my plastic surgery practice, I have encountered very few complications in my patients as a result. For women who want larger breasts, want the size and shape of their breasts to match, or have had a mastectomy and want breast reconstructionbreast implants are a highly satisfying, long-lasting solution.

Learn more about breast implants in this short video

No matter which type of plastic surgery procedure my patients are considering, I truly believe that the best patient is an informed patient. Watch my 2-minute video about breast implants by clicking here or on the image below.

I offer three types of breast implants, all of them safe

  1. Silicone breast implants—filled with silicone gel.
  2. Saline breast implants—filled with saline (sterile saltwater).
  3. Natrelle® gummy breast implants—filled with silicone gel. Choose from five profiles (low to extra full), four degrees of fullness (minimal to maximum) and three levels of cohesivity (gumminess).

Most women—and most plastic surgeons, myself included—prefer the look and feel of silicone implants rather than saline. Silicone implants are generally considered to look and feel more like real breast tissue, while saline implants are more prone to cause rippling of the skin. Women are also reporting high satisfaction rates with the new gummy versions because they can choose the size and shape of their implants for a more customized, unique look.

The risks of breast implants

Although silicone, saline, structured and gummy breast implants are all considered safe, there are some risks associated with each, including:

  • Ruptures
    Ruptures are a risk with any kind of breast implant, and are most commonly caused by wear and tear of the implant. In general, a rupture becomes more likely as breast implants age. Over time, the outside shell of the implant can fail, causing the implant to lose its integrity. If a saline breast implant leaks, the saltwater inside the implant is harmlessly absorbed into the body. When a silicone or gummy breast implant fails, the cohesive gel typically remains within the pocket. In either case, a ruptured implant is almost always replaced. The FDA estimates that breast implants should last at least ten years, but studies have shown that some implants last much longer than that, others less.      

  • The need for further surgeries
    As time goes by, the shape of your breasts change. For some women, this means a loss of tissue or sagging skin. For others, it can mean asymmetry. Pregnancies can also result in changes to the breast shape and size. For many women, these changes prompt the desire to have further surgeries to reshape their breasts as they age.

Before deciding if a patient is a good candidate for breast implants, I take into consideration:

  • her body type
  • her age
  • the current size of her breasts
  • the breast size she would like to achieve

Many reasons to get breast implants

1. To correct breasts that never developed.

For some young women, their breasts never develop (micromastia). One patient told me, “I looked like a teenage boy.” Breast implants allowed her to feel more feminine and grown up, and enabled her to confidently wear clothing that accented her new curves. 

2. To correct asymmetrical breasts.

Many women’s breasts don’t match in some way, either in size or shape. One breast might be a D cup, while the other is a B. In some cases, women feel they have a deformity. The positive effect that breast implants can have on their self-confidence is amazing.

3. To restore pre-pregnancy and pre-breastfeeding shape and size. 

“I want my former breasts back," is something I hear a lot from moms. Implants restore the shape and fullness women had before childbearing, and can also bring back the sexy, feminine way they used to feel about themselves.

4. To restore breasts after a mastectomy.

Women who have had a mastectomy due to breast cancer or other serious health condition often want to “feel whole again.” Breast reconstruction and augmentation can achieve this very important goal for them. 

5. To achieve a healthier lifestyle.

For many women, the preparation for breast implant surgery encourages them to switch to a healthier lifestyle. Many of my breast augmentation patients get into a vitamin regimen, quit smoking, start working out, de-clutter their homes, and overall, commit to living healthier. 

I perform breast implant surgery at Surgical Specialty Center

I perform breast augmentation procedures at the Surgical Specialty Center of Westchester located in Harrison, NY. Each of the Center’s four operating rooms is fully equipped with state-of-the-art anesthesia (provided by a board certified anesthesiologist), emergency equipment and everything else I need to provide excellent care to each of my patients. To learn more, click on the image below.

If you have breast implants, especially textured ones, you should call your plastic surgeon or come see me for an exam

If you have any type of breast implant — saline, silicone, textured or gummy — it’s important to get them checked for ruptures, slippage, leakage, swelling, the above-mentioned rare cancer or any other potential problems. For my patients with implants, I strongly recommend getting them checked once a year. If you have textured implants which are part of the Allergan recall, you should act even sooner — get them checked right away.

Symptoms of potential problems include:

  • Pain
  • Lumps
  • swelling
  • breast asymmetry

If you are experiencing of these symptoms, consult your plastic surgeon right away. However, if there are no symptoms, there is no reason to remove the implants.

See the beautiful results for yourself

To see unretouched “before and after” photos of actual patients of mine who have had successful breast implant surgery, please visit the Breast Augmentation page in the Photo Gallery section of my website.

To learn more about breast implants, I recommend these 3 blogs

So that you can be fully informed about this important decision, I’ve written several blogs explaining the many aspects of breast implant surgery:

Considering breast augmentation?

If you are thinking about breast augmentation and would like to schedule a free consultation, please contact me and I will send you additional information prior to your appointment. During our consultation, I will assess the current appearance of your breasts, your reasons for wanting surgery, and your expectations. Then together, we will decide which breast procedure will bring you the results you’re looking for. I specialize in the most advanced techniques of breast augmentation surgery and am ready to help you achieve your goals. 

For more information on the many types of breast procedures I offer, please visit these pages on my website

You can find a good deal of information on my website about the many breast procedures available to you: 

Board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS), a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), and a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS), Samuel J. Beran, MD is a highly accomplished plastic surgeon with offices in Manhattan, Harrison and Mount Kisco, NY. With more than 20 years’ experience and a thorough command of the most advanced techniques and technologies, Dr. Beran consistently provides his patients with the highest level of plastic, cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the breast, face, skin and body. Recently, Dr. Beran was named a “Top Doctor” by RealSelf for his dedication to responding to consumer questions and patient feedback. The “Top Doctor” designation is awarded to less than 10% of the RealSelf physician community.