Blog | Dr. Samuel Beran

How Best To Care For Your Face After A Facelift

Written by Dr. Samuel J. Beran | Feb 3, 2021 11:00:00 AM

Virtually no procedure (not even Botox®) can do as much to restore your youthful appearance and help you feel like the best “you” you can be as a facelift. Also known as a rhytidectomy, a facelift can dramatically decrease the visible signs of aging caused by gravity, stress, smoking, genetics and sun exposure.

I will say that in my many years of performing this procedure, I have found that the best candidates for a facelift simply want to turn back the clock a little, not drastically alter their facial features. A facelift is just one of the many ways I can help you achieve a more beautiful faceTo learn more, click here.

What happens during a facelift?

During this facial procedure, I discreetly make incisions in your hairline following the natural contours of your ears that can be concealed by your hair and makeup. I then remove excess skin and fat, tighten underlying muscles, and re-drape the skin of your face and neck, giving you a firmer, fresher face and a more elegant neck.

A facelift is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures in the U.S.

There were 123,685 facelifts performed in the U.S. in 2019, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Instead of making you look like someone else, a facelift enhances your own natural features and contours while decreasing wrinkles, lines and sagging skin. What I tell my patients considering this procedure is that a facelift is a gift you give yourself that will make you feel better about yourself, inside as well as out.

Here's what to expect after a facelift

Although the long-lasting benefits of a facelift far outweigh the temporary inconveniences of the recovery period, it is surgery and therefore requires you to follow some important guidelines. Here the seven most important ones to adhere to, as outlined below by

  1. Expect to look worse before you look better. Don’t panic, this is normal. You will experience some initial swelling and bruising, but this will soon fade and you’ll be able to see the beautiful results.
  2. Keep your head elevated for 2-3 days to minimize swelling and speed recovery. Definitely heed the importance of head elevation, which will reduce your recovery time. Failure to do so may prolong recovery and possibly create unwanted facial asymmetry.
  3. Following surgery, your entire head will be bandaged. The bandage may feel tight at first because it is meant to apply even pressure to your face, neck and head to minimize bruising and swelling. The bandages are usually removed one day after surgery, and you can then shower and shampoo your hair.
  4. Be sure to follow the instructions you receive from your surgeon for your post-operative care and activity. You should limit all physical exertion for one week and only resume normal activity gradually from then on. Do not exercise for two weeks, not even housework.
  5. For two weeks before and after surgery, do not take any over-the-counter medications that can cause increased bruising or bleeding, including aspirin and aspirin-containing products, Advil, Ibuprofen, Naproxin sodium, or any other NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
  6. Eliminate garlic and dark green leafy vegetables from your diet, and stop vitamin E supplements.
  7. Monitor your incisions for signs of infection, such as spreading redness, swelling, tightness, pus or drainage, excessive pain, increasing warmth or a fever of 101F or higher.

You may feel some tightness and numbness in your face and neck

A feeling of tightness is usually due to swelling and should resolve within two months, says As the swelling goes down, your skin will loosen and then stabilize. When this happens, do not think the facelift didn’t work. It is normal for the face to look less wrinkled initially after surgery due to swelling. The numbness may persist for several months but will gradually improve.

I am highly experienced in facelifts

Having been in practice for over 20 years as a plastic surgeon, I have performed hundreds of facelifts with outstanding results. I am particularly sensitive to how important it is for both women and men to feel good about themselves, and a lot of that has to do with how they feel about their facial appearance. I can confidently say that by “turning back the clock,” a facelift can achieve the smoother, fresher, younger-looking results they are looking for.

For more information on facelifts, I recommend these 3 blogs

So you can be fully informed before deciding to have a facelift, I invite you to read these three blogs explaining the procedure and its benefits:

Considering a facelift?

If you are considering a facelift and would like to schedule a free consultation, please contact meI will meet with you, explain the procedure and your various options and make sure you understand exactly what results to expect. Also, I will take all the time you need and make sure all your questions are answered.

To learn more about the many facial and skin procedures I offer

There are several facial procedures and skin treatments available to you in my plastic surgery practice. To learn more, please visit these pages on my website:

Board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS), a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), and a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS), Samuel J. Beran, MD is a highly accomplished plastic surgeon with offices in Manhattan, Harrison and Mount Kisco, NY. With more than 20 years’ experience and a thorough command of the most advanced techniques and technologies, Dr. Beran consistently provides his patients with the highest level of plastic, cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the breast, face, skin and body. Recently, Dr. Beran was named a “Top Doctor” by RealSelf for his dedication to responding to consumer questions and patient feedback. The “Top Doctor” designation is awarded to less than 10% of the RealSelf physician community.