Westchester & NYC Plastic Surgeon

Harrison & Valhalla: (914) 761-7070

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Wish You Could Have A Facial Procedure Without Pain? Now You Can, With Pro-Nox!

Wish You Could Have A Facial Procedure Without Pain? Now You Can, With Pro-Nox!

Many of my patients come to me wanting to smooth out wrinkles around their eyes, mouth and forehead. Or they want fuller, sexier lips. Or they want to restore fullness in their face that has been lost due to age and gravity. The common denominator for a number of these patients? They’re sensitive to pain and these minor facial procedures make them anxious.

Get beautiful results without pain or anxiety with Pro-Nox

Some of the non-surgical facial rejuvenation procedures I perform, such as Botox® or derma fillers, do not require sedation or any kind of analgesia. But hair injections, lip injections with fillers, and some of the laser procedures can cause a little bit of discomfort. For those patients who don’t do well with pain, or who want to be more relaxed during their procedure, I offer something to make their procedure much more enjoyable, called Pro-Nox. This is just one of the many ways I can help you achieve a more beautiful face. To learn more, click here.   

Learn about Pro-Nox in this 1-minute video

So that you can be totally informed about this revolutionary way to make facial procedures more comfortable, watch my short 1-minute video about Pro-Nox by clicking on the image below. 

 Pro Nox title

Patient-controlled pain and anxiety relief

The Pro-Nox Nitrous Oxide Delivery System enables you to safely control your own pain relief. With Pro-Nox, you’re wide awake but you don’t feel any discomfort or pain during your procedure. It offers immediate relief of pain and anxiety without needles, pills or an IV, and has no long-lasting effects.

Specifically, Pro-Nox is a machine that delivers a mixture of 50% oxygen and 50% nitrous oxide ((laughing gas), similar to what dentists use. The difference between Pro-Nox and what you might get at the dentist is that with Pro-Nox, the mixture is very controlled. The concentration of nitrous oxide is never as high as a dentist uses, so there’s no chance it will put you to sleep or cause issues.  

Another important aspect of Pro-Nox it that allows you to recognize and respond to your pain and discomfort on your own terms. You control when to use it and for how long.

You administer Pro-Nox yourself

Through a specially designed mouthpiece or mask, Pro-Nox only delivers the pain-relieving medical gases when you breathe in. You decide when and how often you need it.

Pro-Nox wears off in 5 or 10 minutes, and after you’re clear-headed, you can drive yourself home. It’s not the type of anesthesia where you need to have someone drop you off and pick you up.  

It acts quickly (less than a minute!)

Pro-Nox takes effect within 30-45 seconds and lasts for several minutes while your procedure is being done.

Quick recovery

Unlike other pain medications administered by needle, pill or IV, there are no lasting effects with Pro-Nox and you’ll be able to drive yourself from your appointment.

How Pro-Nox works

You simply breathe into the mouthpiece/mask—which you hold and control—when you need pain or anxiety relief. When the pain subsides, you pull the mouthpiece/mask away from your face. You then take a few breaths of air and the nitrous oxide quickly leaves your system.

Benefits and advantages of Pro-Nox

  • Self-administered
  • Easy to use
  • Takes affect quickly, within 1 minute
  • Quick recovery
  • Can be used at any time during your procedure
  • You can drive yourself away from your appointment

Frequently asked questions

  1. What is Pro-Nox?
    A mixture of 50% oxygen and 50% nitrous oxide.

  2. How does it work?
    The specially designed Pro-Nox equipment ensures that a 50-50 blend of oxygen and nitrous oxide is delivered with each inhaled breath. You hold the mouthpiece/mask and inhale the Pro-Nox mixture as you start to feel pain or anxiety, as many times as you need to throughout your procedure.

  3. Are there side effects?
    Some patients have told me that they feel slightly nauseous, but taking a few breaths of air without the mouthpiece/mask eliminates this.

  4. Can I move around while using Pro-Nox?
    Yes, you are completely mobile while using it.

  5. Do I need to breathe it in during the entire procedure?
    No, only as needed for pain and/or anxiety relief.

  6. Are there any special preparations before using it?
    No, there is nothing you need to do prior to using Pro-Nox.

  7. Can I drive myself home after using it?
    Absolutely. The effect of Pro-Nox wears off completely in minutes.

  8. How much does Pro-Nox cost?
    $50 (plus the cost of the procedure).

Interested in using Pro-Nox during your next procedure?

If you would like to use Pro-Nox during your next facial procedure and want more information about it, please contact me. I will meet with you, explain exactly how it works and take all the time you need to make sure your questions are answered.

To learn more about the many facial procedures I offer

There are several facial procedures available to you in my plastic surgery practice. To learn more, please visit these pages on my website:

Board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS), a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), and a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS), Samuel J. Beran, MD is a highly accomplished plastic surgeon with offices in Manhattan, Harrison and Mount Kisco, NY. With more than 20 years’ experience and a thorough command of the most advanced techniques and technologies, Dr. Beran consistently provides his patients with the highest level of plastic, cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the breast, face, skin and body. Recently, Dr. Beran was named a “Top Doctor” by RealSelf for his dedication to responding to consumer questions and patient feedback. The “Top Doctor” designation is awarded to less than 10% of the RealSelf physician community.

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"Dr. Beran is a board certified plastic surgeon, specializing in cosmetic surgery procedures such as breast augmentation. He is amazing and I definitely recommend him."
