Westchester & NYC Plastic Surgeon

Harrison & Mt. Kisco: (914) 761-7070

New York: (212) 792-7938

Harrison & Mt. Kisco:(914) 407-2556

New York:(212) 256-9748


Download our info sheet now by filling out the form on the right 

If you have tried dieting and exercise but still have localized areas of fat that simply won’t go away, liposuction could be the answer you’ve been looking for. 

During liposuction surgery, body fat is removed by first inserting a small, hollow tube (a cannula) through one or more tiny incisions near the area to be suctioned. Incisions are usually less than one-quarter inch in length and are placed in places where they will be least noticeable, often within skin folds or contour lines. The cannula is connected through a tube to a vacuum pressure unit. 

Fill out the form on the right to download our Liposuction info sheet to get some of your questions answered! 
